Sunday, March 23, 2008
How Much Easter Candy Can I Eat?
See you then…and for today, eat away!
Best Abs Diet
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Exercise Routine For Going Beyond Six Pack Abs Day 2
Ok, I'm a day late on this post, but it happens to be Easter weekend and you're probably being as lazy as I am. However, when I'm done writing, I'm headed to the lake for a row. What are you doing to burn off some belly fat today?
Let’s get on with the workout. Day 2 I'm going to have you doing legs and legs only. These are some of the absolute best exercises for burning body fat and getting you lean. For exercise number you'll be performing squats. Perhaps the "Mother" of all exercises! Follow the same warm-up routine performed for chest exercises. Here we go:
1. After doing the warm-up and acclimation sets fill the bar to your target weight for the 4-6 rep range and do 2 sets. Some tips and reminders concerning your form - Firstly, if you're by yourself use the "Smith Machine" so you can lift heavy. If you’re at the squat rack I highly recommend using two spotters, one at the very least. Be sure to adjust the bar so you can easily lift it off the rack. Your feet are approximately shoulder width apart resting the bar across the lower traps and rear delts. Keep your head looking up, abs tight and back arched. Bend at the knees and squat down under a controlled movement until your legs are parallel with the ground. Explode upward towards the ceiling until you reach a standing position. DO NOT LOCK OUT YOUR KNEES! This should be an explosive, yet controlled movement. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
2. For your second exercise you'll be doing deadlifts. Another great exercise for the legs, lower back and total body as well as for boosting your metabolism so you can burn that stubborn belly fat.
Place the bar on the floor, standing as close to the bar with your feet just narrower than shoulder width apart. You do not need to perform warm-ups or acclimation set for this. You can go right into the heavy sets. Bend at the knees gripping the bar at shoulder width. Have one palm facing in and the other facing out. You should now be in a squat position ready for lift off! Keep your head up and the bar close to your shins. Drive upward with your legs lifting the weight until standing in an upright position with your back locked. Keep the bar close to your body and squat back down, lowering the weight to the starting position. Repeat for 4-6 reps, 2 sets. You will definitely feel your abdominal muscles working as stabilizers during this exercise!
3. Now we will do 1 set of leg presses. Again, go straight to the heavy sets. The most common leg press machine is the 45 degree leg press. I highly recommend this one for your exercise. Position your feet on the upper half of the platform slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Press the weight up and release the stoppers. Slowly lower the weight down as low as you can. With an explosive motion, drive the weight upwards. Repeat for 4-6 reps and then replace the stoppers. Just as for the squats and deadlifts, never lock your knees, but make sure to use a full range of motion otherwise. If you need to use less weight for full range, then do it. Using heavier weights and partial range will only cheat you out your gains. Again, you will definitely feel your abs burning as they act as stabilizer muscles for this exercise.
4. Next, you'll be hitting the calves. I suggest performing the acclimation sets first. Start off with standing calf raises. I like to use the Smith Machine for this one by using an elevated platform to stand on under the bar. Step onto the raised platform with the balls of your feet planted securely on the platform and your heels extended out into space. Rest the bar across your shoulders as you would for squats keeping your knees slightly bent, back straight and head up. Explode up driving the weight towards the ceiling until you are standing on your toes. Under control, lower the weight letting your heels dip slightly below the platform, giving your calves a good stretch. After completing your set, bend your legs and set the weight down. Perform 3 sets in the 4-6 rep range.
5. Moving on to the final exercise of the day, I'll have you doing seated calf raises. This workout is similar to the standing calf raises but using the seated machine. You will perform 2 sets of 4-6 reps. Sit on the machine placing the balls of your feet on the platform. Placing the lap pad securely on your knees, lift the weight until your calves are fully contracted and you are all the way up on your toes. Make sure the stopper on the machine is released and lower the weight in a controlled fashion until your heels are lower than your toes, fully stretching your calves. When you have finished your reps, return the stopper and set the weights down.
There's day 2 and most likely your toughest day of the week! I know it is for me as far as lifting goes. You should now be well on your way to boosting your metabolism, burning fat and getting that sexy six pack you desire. Remember, consistency is paramount! Knuckle up, don't skip a workout and by week three or four, you will see amazing results...maybe even some six pack abs!
'Til next workout...stay lean!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Exercise Routine For Going Beyond Six Pack Abs
We'll start with chest exercises first, remember, always work larger muscle groups before the smaller ones.
When performing these exercises, rest about 2 minutes between sets, even the warm-ups.
A. Start with incline barbell bench presses - perform these as follows:
1. Do a warm-up set of 12 reps with very light weight. This is just to get the blood pumping. It should be easy lifting. If you're a complete newbie, you'll have to figure out your 4-6 rep range, that's our overload range, where we lift heavy for stimulating muscle growth. The warm up sets should not be greater than 70% of your 4-6 rep weight.
2. Another warm-up set, same weight as the first but with 10 reps.
3. Now we're ready to acclimate our muscles for the heavy sets. Add about 20lbs to whatever the weight was during your warm-ups. You should be around 78%-82% of your 4-6 rep weight. For example, if my 4-6 rep range is 155lbs, my first acclimation set will be 125lbs. I want to gradually prepare my muscles for maximum overload. Perform this for 6 reps.
4. Add another 15lbs to 20lbs for the next acclimation set and perform 3 reps.
5. This last set I sometimes skip. I don't feel it is necessary, sometimes I just want to get one more "push" before my heavy sets. I'll put about 95% of what I will be lifting on the bar for 1 rep. If you haven't lifted in a while or are a complete beginner, don't skip this set!
6. Okay, now we're ready for the "muscle building, fat burning" reps. Add whatever weight is needed to get you to your targeted 4-6 rep range. In this example I'm using 155lbs. Perform this at 4-6 reps for 2 sets.
7. Next you'll move on to the flat bench, no warm-ups needed, go straight into your 4-6 rep range. I find I can usually lift 5lbs-10lbs more on the flat bench than I can on the incline. Again perform 2 sets.
8. For your final chest exercise you'll be doing dips, using parallel dip bars. Get a good grip and hold yourself up with arms straight. Lean your body forward, then lower yourself by bending at the elbows, lowering until you feel a good stretch across your chest. Lift up in an explosive motion. Do 6-8 reps for 1 set. As you progress you'll need to add weight with a dip belt.
Now your ready to target those abs!
I'll start you off a bit easy for your first day, okay, ready? Here we go:
1. Crunches - now, I only advocate crunches in the beginning and feel you need to perform weighted crunches unless you're really new to working out or it's been so long your abdominals are really weak. The truth is, most people are doing this exercise all wrong! That said, let's get started. Lay flat on the floor or a bench. Bend your legs raising your knees so that your legs are perpendicular to the floor. Place your hands in front of your chin or behind your head, exhale and curl your upper body towards your knees contracting your abs. Hold the contraction for a second then slowly lower your upper body back to its original position. For weighted crunches, hold a weight plate a few inches in front of your face. Remember these tips for proper form - Don't arch your lower back, it should be slightly rounded. If your hands are behind your head, make sure you do not pull on your neck. Make sure you're not lifting your whole body off the floor. Keep your lower back in contact with the floor or bench and round your shoulders towards your pelvis. Perform 8-12 reps, remember we're going for maximum overload at this time. You've got to build muscles before you can show them off!
2. Leg Raises - Again, you may need to do weighted leg raises initially, if not you will after a few weeks. To do so, either rest a plate on your feet, which may take a few times to get used to balancing, or hold a dumbell between your ankles. Similar to crunches, you want to lie flat on your back with your palms facing down, hands under your booty! Your lower back should be rounded and slightly raised and shoulders off the floor or bench. With legs slightly bent, raise them about 12 to 16 inches off the floor. Under control, lower them back until they are about 6 inches away from the floor. Do about 8-12 reps. Again, make sure you don't arch your back during the reps. Keeping your hands under your your buttocks helps keep the lower back firmly planted on the floor or bench. Also, if you lift your legs too high you will take tension off the abs. A no no if your trying to develop your six pack!
3. For the last exercise I'm going have you do cable crunches. This is a great one for targeting the abs and creating overload. Just remember, as with any exercise, make sure proper form is practiced. For this abs exercise, grab the rope and lower yourself down to your knees. Always keep your hands above your head, lower your body crunching towards the floor until you are approximately 90 degrees from vertical. Under control, raise back up to the starting position . Repeat for 8-12 reps. For added intensity, hold the contraction for about 2 seconds and keep your abs tight as you return to the starting position. Never move your legs or hips during your reps. Make sure the movement comes from your waist. To up the intensity of this exercise, hold each contraction for about 2 seconds.
Well, there you go. No excuses to procrastinate! Get started and I'll have your next days workout posted later this evening.
Also, I'll be posting some great tips and ideas for boosting your metabolism.
Have a great workout!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Go Beyond Six Pack Abs
When it comes to your diet, try this for the next six weeks:
Cut out all fried foods - that's right, stay off the Crisco! Ripped abs and cooking oil do not mix very well! No pasta, not even Lasagna and cut out potatoes and bread. I know, the last two are tuffies, but if you can suck it up for a few weeks you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results. You may even start seeing some stomach muscles. If it's too tuff, try limiting yourself to a serving 2 or 3 times a week only. I hope you don't like soft drinks or sweet tea, cause there off the list too! And no pub crawls guys - alcohol is an absolute no no. You may have a glass of wine with dinner, but just one! You'd be amazed how much belly fat you can shed just by cutting out the booze.
Ok, I can here you now..."but James, you've just ruled out my entire diet! What do I eat now?" Well, if you want six pack abs, how about the foods you should be eating more of in the first place. Like lean meat, fish and chicken, fruits and veggies. You know, all that good stuff grandma use to try and get you to eat. Stick to water, milk and unsweet tea. Be careful with sugar substitutes - can you say insulin spike!
Make sure you eat lots of protein, especially if you're trying to "bulk up" with lean muscle. Ok, that's a start. Check back in a few days. I'll have your workout routine. ready for you! Now hop yourself in your car and drive on down to the grocery, you've got some shopping to do.
Time to go drink some green beer - Happy St. Patty's!
'Til next time...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wanna get Ripped?
See ya next blog...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Is Your Post Workout Meal the Most Important Meal of the Day?
I would have to agree with that assertion for the most part because refueling your body with the right combo of nutrients is so vastly important to repairing your muscles from the breakdown of a workout, and keeping your metabolic rate sky high.
Here's some recent research on post-workout meals:
"A recent 12-week study says that those who failed to consume a post workout meal immediately after their workouts suffered a lower metabolism, loss of fat free mass, and had clear indications of muscle loss - while their counterparts (those who consumed a post workout recovery meal) significantly lost more fat, increased lean muscle, improved their metabolism, and increased dynamic strength."
I have noticed that many people are confused as to what actually makes a good post-workout meal. A couple common questions I receive about post workout meals:
1. Aren't post-workout meals only important for muscle building? Do they matter at all for fat loss goals?
2. Is it best to use one of the fancy post-workout drinks or shakes that you see in the magazines or is a whole food meal better? What's the best combo of carbs to protein to fat in a good post workout meal?
3. How soon after a workout is best to have my post workout meal?
1. Post-workout meals are actually vitally important for BOTH muscle building and losing body fat!
Always remember that one of the most important considerations of long term body fat loss and maintaining a lean body for life is raising your overall metabolic rate by building and maintaining adequate lean muscle mass throughout your entire body.
By consuming a good post workout meal after every workout, you assist your body in repairing and building lean muscle throughout your whole body. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate (even when resting)... hence, you lose fat easier and faster, and it is MUCH easier to stay lean in the long term.
2. Are whole foods or supplement shakes best? This can actually be done either way, but I am going to show you some guidelines why some post-workout shakes are better than others and some whole foods are better than others. Either way, it can work.
First, keep in mind that your goal throughout the majority of each day is eating small whole food meals frequently that digest slowly with high fiber and a controlled glycemic response (blood sugar). These normal daily meals should also contain healthy fats and slowly digested proteins to maintain a steady supply of amino acids.
When it comes to post-workout meals, you can just about use the exact opposite strategy of your normal meals. With post-workout meals, you actually want a faster digesting carb source to stimulate an insulin response. This helps to push nutrients and glycogen back into your muscle cells for repair. Remember, this is not just important for building muscle, but also for losing fat.
So while I always preach high fiber for most of your meals, with post-workout meals, you actually want lower fiber, higher GI carbohydrates, and quickly digesting protein as well to kick start muscle repair.
Another consideration to keep in mind... while I always preach healthy fats at most of your meals... with the post workout meal, you actually want almost all carbohydrates and protein, and very little fat. Fat in the post workout meal just slows the absorption and glycemic response which is not what you want at this key time.
What about the best ratios of carbohydrates and protein?
I have reviewed dozens of studies on this subject and most seem to agree that a ratio of approx 2 to 1 carbs to protein is optimal. This seems to be the best combo to maximize muscle repair to boost that metabolic rate for long term body fat loss.
I usually make my post-workout shakes using a frozen banana, whey protein, water, and some real maple syrup (not the cheap high fructose corn syrup based maple syrups at most stores) and aim for about a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein in the shake.
If you want to make things a little simpler, one of the best post-workout shakes that I've found that is already mixed in a 2:1 carb:protein ratio is Prograde's Varsity Post-Workout mix. You can find it at the bottom of this page.
3. How soon should you eat (or drink) your post-workout meal once your done working out?
As soon as you can after your workout (the sooner the better)!
Studies have shown that the sooner you consume your post workout meal following your intense workout, the better your muscle recovery will be, and a higher quantity of the carbohydrates ingested will be used for muscle glycogen replenishment instead of other uses.
The first thing I do when I get back from the gym is make my post workout shake, and this is about 10 min after finishing my workout.
Stop living with that unsightly stomach fat that you've struggled with for years and learn the true secrets for Getting Six Pack Abdominals & Losing Belly Fat!