Monday, March 17, 2008

Go Beyond Six Pack Abs

Wanna go beyond getting six pack abs this summer? Well, if you're 5'8" and 260 forget about it! But if you have less than two chins and a don't suffer from "donut man"disease READ ON!

When it comes to your diet, try this for the next six weeks:

Cut out all fried foods - that's right, stay off the Crisco! Ripped abs and cooking oil do not mix very well! No pasta, not even Lasagna and cut out potatoes and bread. I know, the last two are tuffies, but if you can suck it up for a few weeks you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results. You may even start seeing some stomach muscles. If it's too tuff, try limiting yourself to a serving 2 or 3 times a week only. I hope you don't like soft drinks or sweet tea, cause there off the list too! And no pub crawls guys - alcohol is an absolute no no. You may have a glass of wine with dinner, but just one! You'd be amazed how much belly fat you can shed just by cutting out the booze.

Ok, I can here you now..."but James, you've just ruled out my entire diet! What do I eat now?" Well, if you want six pack abs, how about the foods you should be eating more of in the first place. Like lean meat, fish and chicken, fruits and veggies. You know, all that good stuff grandma use to try and get you to eat. Stick to water, milk and unsweet tea. Be careful with sugar substitutes - can you say insulin spike!

Make sure you eat lots of protein, especially if you're trying to "bulk up" with lean muscle. Ok, that's a start. Check back in a few days. I'll have your workout routine. ready for you! Now hop yourself in your car and drive on down to the grocery, you've got some shopping to do.

Time to go drink some green beer - Happy St. Patty's!

'Til next time...

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